Clifton upon Dunsmore Church of England Primary School

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Year 3

Our class value is: Respect 

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 3. We are looking forward to an action-packed year of learning.
You can find all of the curriculum details by clicking on the links below. As your child starts their Key Stage 2 journey, some things will be different but rest assured we will work with the children to enable their transition goes smoothly. It is an exciting year ahead with trips to a Hindu Mandir and swimming lessons in the summer term to look forward to, not forgetting the exciting learning opportunities this year has to offer.

I hope your child will enjoy their time in Year 3, and I look forward to sharing the next academic year with them.  Please remember, if you are worried about anything or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me, I am here to help. 

I am sure we shall have a fabulous year together! 

Miss Bradshaw


Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs Bovington 



Autumn 1

We will be continuing to use the highly effective ‘CLPE Power of Reading’ approach to teaching English which uses quality children’s literature and creative teaching approaches to foster a love of reading and writing. During our English lessons we will explore a variety of texts to develop the children’s reading and writing skills.

The main focus book for this half term will be Stone Age Boy. We shall also explore  poetry. 


The children will focus on the following units this term:-

Unit 1 Place Value within 1000

  • Count in 100’s
  • Partition a number into 100s, 10s and 1s
  • Find 100, 10 and 1 more and less
  • Compare and order numbers up to 1000
  • Count in 50’s




This half term we will be focusing on the formation of rocks and conduct experiments to learn about their properties.

We will then look at different types of soil and carry out experiments to look at the formation of soils and their properties, such as, water absorption. 



Stone Age Britain

We will begin the term with a history focus, the children will learn about how the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age period impacted on life in Britain. They will learn about how early man survived in a harsh environment, why Skara Brae was important for understanding life in the Stone Age, how copper mining was crucial to the Bronze Age, and why Stonehenge was built. Pupils will also learn about why Iron Age people developed hillforts and how important Druids were in Iron Age Britain. 



Using the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus with a focus on Hinduism.

Unit L2.8

Key Question: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?


This investigation enables pupils to learn about key aspects of Hindu belief and worship. What we call ‘Hinduism’ is the diverse way of life, spiritual practices and beliefs of the Indian people. We are focussing on British Hindus, and there is great diversity in British Hinduism as well as the original Indian Hinduism. Hinduism is more appropriately called ‘Sanatana Dharma’; eternal truth. We will find out some key Hindu beliefs, and how these are expressed in thoughts and actions. We will also think about being a Hindu in Britain today. We hope to visit a Hindu mandir to support our learning.

The investigation implements the principal aim of RE, which is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.


Being Me in My World

In this unit we will look at our achievements and things we are proud of. We look at feelings and think about how our actions affect ourselves and others.

We will explore how our behaviour has rewards and consequences, and think about how to make responsible choices and take action. We will practice working cooperatively in groups and try to see things from others viewpoints.




Autumn 2
English Fly Eagle Fly and Polar Express


Unit 2 and 3 Addition and Subtraction

  • Add 1s and 10s to 3 digit numbers
  • Subtract 1s and 10s to 3 digit numbers
  • Add and subtract 3 digit and 2 digit numbers
  • Learn when to exchange 1s, 10s and 100s
  • Add and subtract using mental and written methods

Unit 4 Multiplication and Division

  • write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods
  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables
  • solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division


This half term we will recognise that we need light in order to see things, and that dark is the absence of light. We will notice that light is reflected from surfaces and learn that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes. We will recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object, and find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change. 


Extreme Earth

In our Extreme Earth unit we will learn about the destructive powers of nature, from volcanoes and earthquakes to tsunamis and tornadoes. The children will learn about how and why these natural phenomena occur, and the ways in which they affect people and the environment.


Using the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus with a focus on Hinduism.

Unit L2.8

Key Question: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?


This investigation enables pupils to learn about key aspects of Hindu belief and worship. What we call ‘Hinduism’ is the diverse way of life, spiritual practices and beliefs of the Indian people. We are focussing on British Hindus, and there is great diversity in British Hinduism as well as the original Indian Hinduism. Hinduism is more appropriately called ‘Sanatana Dharma’; eternal truth. We will find out some key Hindu beliefs, and how these are expressed in thoughts and actions. We will also think about being a Hindu in Britain today. We hope to visit a Hindu mandir to support our learning.

The investigation implements the principal aim of RE, which is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.


Celebrating Difference

In this unit we will think about our similarities and differences and what makes us unique. Through stories we will discuss bullying and how this affects the people involved. We will explore strategies around what to do in these situations.





Spring 1


Marcy and The Riddle of the Sphinx and Firebird

Multiplication and Division

In this unit we will … 

  •  Compare multiplication and division statements using inequality signs 
  •  Use known multiplication facts to solve other multiplication problems 
  •  Find multiplication and division fact families 
  •  Learn to multiply and divide by partitioning 
  •  Solve mixed multiplication and division problems including multi-step problems


In this unit we will

  • Record money in £ and p  
  • Convert money  
  • Add and subtract amounts of money  
  • Solve problems including ones that involve finding change

Forces and Magnets

This half term we will be focusing on how things move on different surfaces. We will notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. We will observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others; and compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials. We will describe magnets as having two poles and predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing.


Ancient Egyptians

We will begin the term with a history focus, the children will learn about  Ancient Egypt and the achievements of this ancient civilisation. The children will learn about how and where the ancient Egyptians lived, what was important to the daily lives of ancient Egyptians, who Tutankhamun was and how mummies were made. The children will also learn about how Egyptian people used hieroglyphs to communicate and compare the powers of different gods. 


Using the Understanding Christianity Syllabus

Unit 2a.1 – Creation and Fall

Key Question: What can Christians learn from the Creation story?


This investigation enables pupils to appreciate how, for Christians, the Creation story in Genesis may be about the beginning of the world, but it is also about the start of the relationship between God and God’s creation. It does not take long before a relationship rift. Adam and Eve eat from the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, against God’s command. Many Christians talk about this as being the moment when sin enters the world or ‘the fall.’ Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. They neither apologised nor took responsibility for their actions. The story also indicates what all human beings are like — being tempted to do things their own way rather than following the good guidance of a good Creator God, and often ending up doing the wrong thing.


Dreams and Goals

In this unit we will think carefully about challenges that we face and the feelings this creates. We will discuss how it would feel to achieve an ambition and how others may feel. In groups, we will design a garden for people who face particular challenges, for instance, a loss of sight or needing to use a wheelchair. We will think about what would be useful in the garden, but also consider budget constraints in our designs. We will present these to the class.





Spring 2
English Oliver and the Seawigs


In this unit we will:  

  • Present information in different ways 
  • Use pictograms, bar charts and tables 
  • Answer questions based on information that is presented in different ways


In this unit we will:

  • Measure lengths in millimetres, centimetres and metres 
  • Compare lengths 
  • Add and subtract lengths 
  • Measure the perimeter of a shape 
  • Learn about equivalent lengths

Animals, including humans 

In our Science unit this half term, we will be investigating nutrition and that animals need the right type and amounts of nutrition.

We will learn that animals cannot make their own food, and they get nutrition from what they eat.

We will also identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. 


The United Kingdom

In this unit, we will learn all about the geography of the UK - from the physical features of mountains, rivers and seas to the man-made counties. We will develop our geography skills of map reading, using the eight points on a compass, reading and plotting grid references and understanding how to read contour lines in an area of higher ground.


Using the Understanding Christianity Syllabus

Unit 2a.2 – People of God

Key Question: What is it like to follow God?


This investigation enables pupils to understand how the idea of Salvation and the events of Holy week are at the centre of Christian belief. The death and resurrection of Jesus are the surprising part of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible, where the relationship between humans and God begins to be restored. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are two key parts of this narrative and most Christians would say the most important parts of Holy Week. They are marked in most churches at Eastertide as a way of commemorating the important events of Holy Week but also a time to pray and reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.


Healthy Me

This unit links closely with our Science topic. We will look at being fit and healthy; and how exercise and nutrition can support that. We will look at drugs and discuss safe/unsafe drugs; and how medicines can help to make our bodies better. We will explore being safe and unsafe and how that can affect our feelings.





Summer 1
English Oliver and the Seawigs and One Plastic Bag


In this unit we will:

  • Make a whole with unit and non-unit fractions 
  • Explore tenths as fractions 
  • Understand fractions as numbers 
  • Calculate fractions of a set of objects


In this unit we will:

  • find equivalent fractions 
  • compare fractions 
  • add and subtract fractions 
  • solve word problems about fractions and finding fractions of an amount



In this unit we will:

  • learn about hours, days, months and years 
  • estimate times 
  • tell the time to the nearest minute 
  • calculate start and end times
  • solve time problems


In our Science unit, we will be investigating different conditions plants need for optimal growth. We will be observing and investigating how plants reproduce – focusing on pollinators and seed dispersal. 


Maya Civilization AD900

The children will learn who the ancient Maya people were and where and when they lived but we will be focussing on the period of history around AD900. The children will learn about the work of the explorers John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood and have the opportunity to analyse historical pictures of the cities they discovered.

They will also learn about the types of food eaten by the ancient Maya people and they will find out about the significance of corn and chocolate. Finally we will look at modern day Maya life today, making comparisons with the past. 


Using the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus with a focus on Christianity, Hinduism and Islam

Unit L2.4

Key Question: Why do people pray?


This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about prayer: the practice, symbols, words and significance of prayer are studied alongside some key beliefs about prayer, so that pupils can develop thoughtful ideas and viewpoints of their own about prayer.

The investigation implements the principal aim of RE, which is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.



In this unit, we will begin to think about whether there are male/female jobs and introduce the idea of stereotypes. We will look at how to resolve conflicts using the ‘Solve it together’ technique. We will also think about online safety. An investigation about how we are connected to people around the world and how we are dependent on the work of others to provide things we need and how they rely on the money they get from selling this to us. We will end by thinking about those who are special to us and why. 




Summer 2
English The Kapok Tree


In this unit we will continue to:-

  • Learn about hours, days, months and years 
  • Estimate times 
  • Tell the time to the nearest minute 
  • Calculate start and end times
  • Solve time problems

Angles and Properties of Shape 

In this unit we will:-

  • Learn about turns  
  • Learn what a right angle is  
  • Understand and draw parallel and perpendicular lines  
  • Identify and draw vertical and horizontal lines  
  • Recognise and describe right angles and parallel and perpendicular lines in 2D shapes  
  • Recognise, describe and construct 3D shapes 


In this unit we will:-

  • Measure mass in kilograms and grams  
  • Work out different intervals on a scale  
  • Add, subtract and compare masses  
  • Solve problems involving mass


In this unit we will:-

  • Measure capacity in litres and millilitres  
  • Convert between litres and millilitres  
  • Compare and order capacities  
  • Add and subtract capacities  
  • Solve problems involving capacities

Rainforests and the Tropics

Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America.


  1. I can use an atlas to find countries of the world where Rainforests are found and label a map to show this.
  2. I can find and label the equator and tropics of cancer and Capricorn on a map.
  3. I can describe the difference between weather and climate.
  4. I can describe what the weather is like in a tropical climate and compare to the weather in the UK.
  5. I can understand what deforestation is and what risks this has to the world’s rainforests.

There will be no science for this last half-term of the year, because the whole-school focus will instead be on Design Technology. 


We will learn to sew cross-stitch and applique. We will then design a cushion for the King's coronation. We will cut out the material needed and sew on decorations, stitching the pieces together and stuffing them to make our cushion.


Using the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus with a focus on Christianity, Hinduism and Islam

Unit L2.4

Key Question: Why do people pray?


This investigation enables pupils to learn in depth from different religious and spiritual ways of life about prayer: the practice, symbols, words and significance of prayer are studied alongside some key beliefs about prayer, so that pupils can develop thoughtful ideas and viewpoints of their own about prayer.

The investigation implements the principal aim of RE, which is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.


