Our Values Ambassadors
Our new team of Values Ambassadors are from Year 5.
Miss Weeks was very impressed with the number of children who wished to become Values Ambassadors and with the quality of their interviewes. The following children shone brightly during their interviews and were appointed. These children were also chosen because they consistently show our school values through their behaviour.
Meet our team of Values Ambassadors:
Our Values Ambassadors
This year, our Values Ambassadors are responsible for:
- Being brilliant role-models to others through their character and conduct. We hope they will help to embed our values into the minds and hearts of all of our children.
- Noticing and praising children throughout our school who are living by our values. They give out specially made Values stickers. We have 18 different stickers, each representing a different value.
- Planning, preparing and delivering collective worship for the whole school. This role is undertaken once during each full term.